How to Deal With Unsolicited Parenting Advice From Know It All Parents

Unsolicited parenting advice has to be one of the worst parts about being a parent.
I think it’s safe to say that we all know someone like this who gives their two cents when it isn’t warranted.
Maybe you have even done this before at some point and it’s ok! We can all learn and grow from our mistakes.
Now, I understand that moms get excited and want to share their knowledge on parenting, but some take it too far.
Keep reading for how to deal with unsolicited parenting advice
The best parenting advice i was ever given
Now, let me preface this by saying… this is just my personal opinion, so please don’t come for me!
As a new mom, I had some negative experiences with people feeling entitled to give me their unsolicited parenting advice.
While I was still pregnant, I remember I was chatting with another mom at an event and she told me,
“The best advice anyone can give you is to not take advice from anyone. Once you have your baby, everyone is going to try and tell you what to do.”

So what can you do about unsolicited parenting advice?
If you’re like me, and don’t have the heart to tell people to kindly fuck off, you sit and listen to what they have to say.
You then nod your head in agreement so they shut up.
That’s one way to go about it although it’s very passive I will admit. But sometimes it’s probably the best option you have.
You don’t want to be rude, but you also don’t want people throwing unwanted information in your face.
I honestly have NEVER experienced having so many people try to shove information down my throat until after having a baby.
At first, I really tried to be nice about it and thank them for their advice, but after a while it gets annoying.
You could have the best parenting advice in the world to offer, but how you come off to people really makes or breaks it.
always ask for advice if you really need it
When I’m curious to know what other moms think about something, I take it to social media.
There’s ALWAYS someone who will answer there!
However, it really bothers me when another parent gives me their unsolicited opinion because of something they saw me post.
Like most first time moms, I was excited to post pictures of my daughter on my social media.
Majority of my photos were from the first few months so things like her laying down in her bassinet, sleeping, or whatever she was doing at that moment.
Nothing crazy, since those first few months babies don’t really do much but eat, sleep, and shit.
Every time I posted a picture, there was always a certain handful of moms commenting on what I was doing wrong.
“You shouldn’t do that because _______“
Now, there are humans among us who lack a very basic element needed for daily life called common sense, but I thought I was doing a pretty good job as a first time mom.
I didn’t need a constant reminder of what someone else thought I was doing wrong.

Ignore the unsolicited Parenting advice
When it comes to online commentary, you can easily ignore it.
I will never forget one person in particular, a family member at that, who swore she was an expert at parenting.
Every time I posted something about my child she ALWAYS felt the need to give her two cents.
It got so bad that I deleted her from every social media I had.
It’s definitely not for me to go out of my way to tell someone what they should or shouldn’t do as a parent.
I will truly never understand the people that do just that.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m forever grateful to all the moms who have given me recommendations. I just personally don’t like when people go out of their way to tell me how to be a parent.
Sadly for that reason, I stopped posting pictures of my daughter for some time.
Once she was a little bit bigger, I did start sharing more pictures of her.
On occasion, someone will say something I disagree with, but I simply ignore it because at the end of the day, I’m going to parent MY child the way I see fit.
Now, I don’t recommend being rude to people, but if someone really is pushing your buttons please stand up for yourself and tell them to stop.
Unless you are doing something that is dreadfully harmful to your child, like not buckling them in their car seat, there is no right or wrong way to parent.
I think we can all agree that’s a pretty drastic example.
Give them an Unwanted response
What really bothers me is when strangers try to tell me what I should be doing as a mom.
I remember sitting in the waiting room during one of my daughter’s appointments and there was another mom with her child.
I had changed and fed my daughter right before we left the house. But for whatever reason she was in a cranky mood that day.
The mom sitting next to me looked me dead in my face and said, “your child is hungry, you should probably feed her.”
I Beg Your Fucking Pardon?! Ma’am, nobody asked you for your opinion!
I knew for a FACT my child was not hungry. She literally ate before leaving the house 15 minutes prior.
And who would know better if her child was hungry than the mother of said child!
I looked at her and kindly said that my child was NOT hungry because she ate literally before leaving the house.
She must have sense annoyance in my voice because she apologized for her comment and said she wouldn’t bother me again.
I really try to not be such a bitch to people, especially to strangers but I was flabbergasted!
Not even shocked, straight flabbergasted. 😂
Needless to say I was annoyed for the rest of the day.
I really couldn’t believe that a random stranger would have the audacity to tell me to feed my child when I already did.
At that moment, I felt like a terrible parent even though I did nothing wrong.
She had no clue that I had fed my child, but she still felt the need to tell me as if I did something wrong.
That moment sticks out the most to me, but I’ve had my share of these kinds of moments.
Related Post:
I’ll Be a Better Mom Tomorrow
The unsolicited parenting advice will never end
I could honestly write a book about this.
I’m sure I won’t be immune to more unsolicited parenting advice, especially as my daughter gets older.
Now, I’ll have to worry about people telling me why my 6 year old shouldn’t wear nail polish.
It’s almost like society is expecting you to fail as a parent, but once they see your child is thriving then it’s “OMG you’re doing such a great job as a mom!” 😑
Give me a break Brenda! (For legal purposes, this is a fake name, I don’t know anyone named Brenda haha.)
Don’t they have a facebook group for “know it all” moms? haha just kidding i’m pretty sure they do.
happy parenting!

Guilty as charged… I never tell a parent they are wrong but I do sometimes offer suggestions… most people say thank you and elaborate or ask about further information… And I never tell strangers advice unless for example their child it putting wood chips in their mouth and the mom is not paying attention(been there, saw that) hmmm I wonder how many people get annoyed? I guess one will never know unless someone speaks up… bahahaha…